After a time of necessary decantation and as it opens and airs, it gives off a luxury of sensations with which it gives us the aromatic senses and especially the palate.
Although it is recovering part of its tone and color, it is an evolved wine in which the expected cherry red tones are not appreciated, bright, but not at any time unpleasant to the eye.
It offers us a wide and complex mixture of aromas of ripe fruit, spices, roasted, with floral tones and a touch of resin, which increase as it is fired, an elegant set .....
The passage through the mouth is very pleasant, round and balanced, with a long finish and aftertaste that invites you to continue drinking, with tannins in just the right acidity, which give it a tasty combination.
It does not disappoint at all, we have enjoyed the tasting in all aspects, an exclusive luxury that we hope to repeat one day, with his sister number 727.
nota.............9,5.… calidad precio 8
La añada de 1997 ya es algo escasa y no resulta fácil de conseguir, por lo que los precios son muy variables en función sobre todo del estado de conservación , pudiendo oscilar entre los 78 € 192.95 €, aunque el precio medio se sitúa entorno a los 98.5 € iva incluido .
No obstante se han conseguido lotes, fundamentalmente por subasta con adjudicaciones que oscilan entre los 25-55 €/ botella, para esta misma añada.
Las añadas mas recientes también presentan en el mercado un precio bastante dispar: entre 108 y 170€ aunque, la media ronda los 130-150€, en cualquier caso , es evidente que se trata de un vino de gama dirigida al consumo ocasional .